KET 在線
PET 真實
OPFUN Talk萌課堂,專注青少在線語言啟蒙!——寰宇咨詢中心資訊網(wǎng)
上海 18761612306
Once upon a time, there was a house in the middle of a forest. It was said that the house had been there for centuries, long before anyone could remember. The locals believed that the house was cursed and that anyone who entered would never return.
When I was younger, there used to be a tree in my backyard. It was a tall, sturdy oak tree that stood proudly and provided much-needed shade during hot summer days. Growing up, that tree was a constant presence in my life. But as I grew older, things chan
There used to be a tree in front of my house. It was a big, beautiful oak tree that had been there for as long as I could remember. I loved that tree. I used to climb it, read under it, and even talk to it sometimes. But one day, it was gone. I was devast